Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Cosmology: The State of the Universe: Further Readings


Barrow, John D.; The Book of Universes; The Bodley Head, London; 2011:

Burbidge, Geoffrey & Narlikar, Jayant V.; Facts and Speculations in Cosmology; Cambridge University Press, Cambridge; 2008:

Carr, Bernard (Editor); Universe or Multiverse?; Cambridge University Press, Cambridge; 2007:

Chown, Marcus; Afterglow of Creation: Decoding the Message from the Beginning of Time; Faber and Faber, London; Revised Edition 2010:

Chown, Marcus; The Never-Ending Days of Being Dead: Dispatches from the Frontline of Science; Faber and Faber, London; 2007:

Clegg, Brian; Before the Big Bang: The Prehistory of Our Universe; St. Martin’s Press, New York; 2009:

Davidson, Keay & Smoot, George; Wrinkles in Time: The Imprint of Creation; Little, Brown and Company, London; 1993:

Davies, Paul; The Goldilocks Enigma: Why Is the Universe Just Right for Life?;
Allen Lane, London
; 2006:

Gilmore, Robert; Once Upon A Universe: Not-So-Grimm Tales of Cosmology; Copernicus Books, New York; 2003:

Goldsmith, Donald; The Runaway Universe: The Race to Find the Future of the Cosmos; Basic Books, New York; 2000.

Gribbin, John; In Search of the Multiverse;
Allen Lane, London
; 2009:

Guth, Alan H.; The Inflationary Universe: The Quest for A New Theory of Cosmic Origins; Vintage, London; 1998:

Hawking, Stephen; A Brief History of Time; Bantam Books, New York; 2nd Edition; 1996:

Hawking, Stephen & Mlodinow, Leonard; A Briefer History of Time; Bantam Press, London; 2005:

Hooper, Dan; Dark Cosmos: In Search of Our Universe’s Missing Mass and Energy; Smithsonian Books, New York; 2006:

Kaku, Michio; Parallel Worlds: The Science of Alternative Universes and Our Future in the Cosmos; Penguin Books, London; 2005:

Krauss, Lawrence M.; Quintessence: The Mystery of Missing Mass in the Universe; Vintage, London; 2001:

Lemonick, Michael D.; Echo of the Big Bang; Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey; 2003:

Lemonick, Michael D.; The Light at the Edge of the Universe: Leading Cosmologists on the Brink of a Scientific Revolution; Villard Books, New York; 1993:

Leslie, John (Editor); Modern Cosmology & Philosophy; Prometheus Books, Amherst, New York; 1998:

Liddle, Andrew & Loveday, Jon; The Oxford Companion to Cosmology; Oxford University Press, Oxford; 2008:

Manly, Steven; Visions of the Multiverse; New Page Books, Pompton Plains, New Jersey; 2011:

Moring, Gary F.; The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Theories of the Universe; Alpha Books, New York; 2002:

Panek, Richard; The 4% Universe: Dark Matter, Dark Energy, and the Race to Discover the Rest of Reality; Oneworld, Oxford; 2011:

Rees, Martin; Before the Beginning: Our Universe and Others; Free Press, London; 2002:

Silk, Joseph; On the Shores of the Unknown: A Short History of the Universe; Cambridge University Press, Cambridge; 2005:

Silk, Joseph; The Infinite Cosmos: Questions from the Frontiers of Cosmology; Oxford University Press, Oxford; 2006:

Singh, Simon; Big Bang: The Most Important Scientific Discovery of All Time and Why You Need to Know About It; Harper Perennial, London; 2005:

Smolin, Lee; The Life of the Cosmos; Oxford University Press, New York; 1997:

Steinhardt, Paul J. & Turok, Neil; Endless Universe: Beyond the Big Bang; Phoenix, London; 2008:

Vilenkin, Alex; Many Worlds in One: The Search for Other Universes; Hill & Wang, New York; 2006:

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